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Advisor Information

Virtual Office Hours

Starting August 29th, you can hop into the zoom space and talk to Michelle about anything!  Questions?  Concerns?  Come on in between 4 and 6pm!  Some Thursdays will start with a focus topic, but the objective of the meeting is for you to have direct connection with me!  See you on the 29th!  Zoom Link: Click Here

Advisor Checklist

Step One: Register yourself and students. If you also register a business and industry representative before November 1st you will get a special prize. Minimum is you and 5 students. 

Step Two: Review and Approve the Annual Constitution/Bylaws. Example Constitution/Bylaws: Click Here

Step Three: With your chapter officers and members, complete the Annual Program of Work: Click Here

Step Four: Fill out the Annual CTSO Compliance Form. This includes the Statement of Assurance: Click Here

These Annual Compliance steps are due on or before November 1, 2024.

Your chapter documents (Constitution and Bylaws; Program of Work; and Statement of Assurance) must be submitted to SkillsUSA Arizona at the beginning of the school year, before November 1st.


The Statement of Assurance verifies that each attending student has completed the Conference Liability & Release Form. Keep your students' Conference Liability & Release Forms on-hand at each conference. Do NOT send copies to the SkillsUSA national headquarters or SkillsUSA Arizona state office.

Membership Registration

It is a Best Practice to register yourself as a Professional Member early in the membership year; once you register yourself, you gain access to Professional Membership Benefits, which include Framework Integration lesson plans, self-paced modules, and technical standards.

To register members, utilize the following website: For assistance, download the Membership Registration Instructions.

Need further help? Contact the national Customer Care Team at: 1-844-875-4557 or

Technical Standards 

To access the Technical Standards, navigate to SkillsUSA Absorb, log in using your professional membership credentials, click on the green box that says, "Professional Member Benefits", and then on the "2024-2025 Professional Members Benefits Package". This gives you access to the Technical Standards, which are broken into the Introduction Materials; Leadership Development Career Competitions; Occupationally Related Career Competitions; and the Skilled and Technical Sciences Career Competitions. Technical Standards are posted in this portal each year by August 15.

Skillsusa Quizzes
Advisors are encouraged to use the following quizzes with their students to help educate about SkillsUSA!
SkillsUSA Framework Quiz
Workplace Skill Quiz
Arizona Technical Skills Quiz
Arizona Personal Skills Quiz
2020 SkillsUSA Knowledge Quiz

Payment Policy

In an effort to be accountable to our members, Board of Directors, and accounting policies, SkillsUSA Arizona has published our policy for past due invoices.

30-60-90 Day Past Due Invoice Policy

(For a list of past due invoices, email

30 Days: an email is sent to the teacher with an invoice attached reminding them of the balance due

60 Days: a letter with a statement and invoice is sent to the teacher, principal, CTE director, and accounting office

90 Days: a letter with a statement and invoice is sent to the teacher, principal, CTE director, superintendent, and accounting office.

If an invoice reaches 90 days past due, the SkillsUSA chapter will become ineligible to participate in SkillsUSA events until the invoice is paid. Additionally, pre‐payment may be required for all future events in the same school year.

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